Eric's Show Journal - posted on December 16, 2005 by

Show Journal 2005-12-16

Always loud and always rowdy, Astoria shows always rock. We actually left on time tonight but got stuck in traffic and basically idled from downtown PDX all the way past Vancouver. That means we missed both Absence Of Grace and Buck 90. Apologies to both of those bands for missing your sets. We did get to see Accidental Gun Death and they were in rare form tonight. Between the inability of their gear to contain the rock and their physical encounters with the crowd I’m sure they have a bunch of new fans now. Our set felt pretty solid and everyone up front seemed to dig it. Dave still has all his teeth so that’s a plus. On the van ride home we run over a chicken carcass and learned that Justin’s burps smell like cheese, despite not eating any for days. Thanks to Chris for setting up another smoothly running show and thanks to the other bands.