Eric's Show Journal - posted on December 8, 2005 by

Show Journal 2005-12-08

When did the Ash Street become the most consistent bar in town to play? Always people, always rowdy, always fun. Accidental Gun Death opened the show and was terribly amusing as well as terribly rocking. The singer Jamie tends to move around a lot. Standing near the front of the stage I was worried that he would fall off in the piles of drums and equipment. I asked myself “how would I react if someone fell off the stage and nearly killed themselves?” Would I help? Would I have to call 911? About two minutes into their set I learned the answer to this question is stand motionless and just smile. Jamie did land on his feet but took about half of Scratch’s drums out with them. Too funny. Scratch was pretty cool but primarily because they covered DFL and for some reason DFL amuses me. Plus who knew Jed had a band? We played six new songs tonight. Despite Dave’s claims that “we might fuck this up” they all went off without a hitch and we were relieved. My Goldfish Ned played last and it was a little bittersweet because it was their last show and 11th anniversary. I couldn’t help but wonder what our last show would be like. When will it be? Where will it be? Who will show up? We’ll be pushing 12 years real soon so it was cool to see another band that started about the same time we did and was right here in the exact same place at the same show. (Stranger still is that two of AGD’s members have been playing over 10 years as well.) Very, very solid set by the Ned tonight and I kind of wished we had gotten to play with them more often. Turns out they will still be making music, just under a different name and different songs so maybe that’ll happen. Thanks to Heather and the Ash Street. Apologies to Dustin for the speeding ticket and parking ticket.