Eric's Show Journal - posted on October 19, 2004 by

Show Journal 2004-10-19

Tonight was our second show with The Misfits (aka The Misfit). The venue for this one was a lot bigger complete with a much bigger stage and lots of bright lights. The turnout was pretty good, but certainly would have been better if it didn’t fall on a Tuesday night. As guessed the show was pretty damn fun. We actually got to hang out with Dez and Jerry a little bit “backstage” which was really the highlight of the evening for us. The funniest moment is when Jerry told us that we “always dress so sharp”. That’s ironic because the only time we’ve ever dressed up was for these two shows. Not to mention I never got a chance to wash my clothes so although I might have looked sharp, I probably smelled like ass. Aside from Justin jumping and landing on the monitor and twisting his ankle the set was pretty fun. Last Second Left were pretty cool and super nice guys as well. Thanks to everyone who showed up early on a Tuesday and thanks to the Misfits and crew.