Eric's Show Journal - posted on December 3, 1999 by

Show Journal 1999-12-03

We were supposed to play in Bend tonight but that fell through. Then we were supposed to play in Longview but that fell through too. We were supposed to play in Redding the following night but that even fell through. Damn promoters. It’s a different story every time but it’s always the same result … you aren’t playing and you’re screwed. I’m done whining now. Miraculously, we ended up playing a show for Ollie’s Skateboards at some rented hall out in Beaverton. I have to admit even though it was totally last minute the show was fun. The wasn’t much of a crowd but they all seemed to dig our music. We finally got to meet and watch Watson One Shirt play which was a treat. There wasn’t too much else to report from the show so I’ll stop now.