Eric's Show Journal - posted on October 9, 1998 by

Show Journal 1998-10-09

Day 15, 16 – At last, after almost two weeks or driving we finally saw a piece of tumbleweed blowing across the road. We also claim to have unraveled the mystery of the elusive White Ryder. Later on we hit the largest bug I’ve ever seen in my life on the windshield. It was so big it woke me up from my sleep when it met its untimely demise. Today also marked the last MRE. Coincidentally, today was the day Nate unleashed the nastiest expulsion of gas any human has smelled and lived to talk about. People gagged and even a dog left the room. Tonight’s show was in Keith’s basement. It was a pretty fun show. A lot of people showed up and they seemed pretty enthusiastic. The first band was a pretty good hardcore band called SFL. I guess eveyone assumed we were going to be hardcore too. We started playing and it felt like the people there didn’t really know what to think of us. “Do we like them, they aren’t real heavy?” I didn’t really care though, it was the last show of our tour and I was stoked (yes, stoked). After the show we just got in the van and trucked on back to Portland (only a mere 8 hours). No one really said anything, I think we were all just going over the trip in our minds. Yeah the shows were cool, and the “touring band” thing was cool, but if you ever have the means, gather up your best friends, get in a car and go somewhere. When you look back later, it seems like such an amazing experience.