Eric's Show Journal - posted on March 10, 2006 by

Show Journal 2006-03-10

This was the first of what will be many shows with Justin on crutches and rocking an orthopedic boot. How was it? Weird. Not good, not bad, just weird. After playing so many shows with Justin jumping, running, kicking and often falling it’s strange to see him practically motionless. Oddly enough we played super tight since there was little activity. Could have done without the broken string and the failed intro to T-Minus, but overall the show was pretty cool. The only sucky parts was that Drive cancelled because the drummer had a root canal that day. It was nice to finally see Sledgeback perform. Also, the Altarboys seemed particularly wound up tonight which makes them extra entertaining to watch. Not necessarily their tightest set, but the energy was there and that’s what makes them cool. Thanks to Heather and the Ash Street and al our friends who actually showed up.