Eric's Show Journal - posted on August 4, 2000 by

Show Journal 2000-08-04

Wow, another killer show. It’s been a while since we played in Longview and thankfully not too much has changed … it still has a strong music scene with energetic kids. There aren’t too many places we play where everyone comes up right to the stage before the music even starts. In Portland there’s always this imaginary 10 foot barrier between us and the stage. Maybe it’s precautionary since Justin has developed a habit of knocking down any and all microphone stands recently. As for the show it’s my usual response … it was lots of fun. It took a few songs for people to warm up to us but by the end everyone seemed to like it. All the other bands pretty much ruled as well. Luckie Strike was really good and the Teen Idols was damn near amazing. I was the one in the band who hadn’t seen them before and I was totally impressed. You don’t hear catchy songs played that fast very often. They even got two encores. It was good too see Justin and the Moral Crux crew again since it had been quite a while. What can I say? Longview rules.